August 2023 Costume PvE Tier List
Last updated: about 1 year ago
referring to them as "units" instead of "costumes" because it just doesn't sound as dumb.

The single strongest units in the game; all of which are absolute must haves.

You will get amazing results with these units one way or another.

Great units that are still viable. Some of them may have been power-crept due to a lack of stats, or
outclassed with the release of a better unit, but they're still perfectly usable.

Overall good units, but are heavily power-crept in late game.

Units that are either just alright, or they're outclassed by better units.

Units that are still "usable," but serve next to no purpose, if any at all.
PvP Units
Units that are pretty much only truly effective in Arena. You "can" use them for PvE, but unless
you're just short on better units or are forced to use them for RoD's or something, why would you?