15 costumes found for Gayle

Limited costume
Added 06/30/2022 (about 2 years ago)





110% damage to an enemy x4 & increase all allies' attack by 30% (30 sec.), critical hit dmg by 15% (30 sec.).
All allies' critical hit damage up by 15%.
Increases the stats of equipped fire-affinity weapons by 20% for whole party.

All allies' attack up by 10%.

Character skill gauge needed reduced by 10% while equipped with a fire-affinity main weapon.
1000 base agility + 150 agility from rank bonus
PvP Turret
View tierlistPvE
View tierlistPvE
View tierlistDamage Buff
PvP Support
View tierlistOffensive Support
PvP Support
View tierlistOffensive Support
Costume's weapon




Deal 35% damage to one enemy 5 times and increase all allies' critical hit rate by 20% for 30 seconds.

Deal 40% damage to one enemy 3 times and increase all allies' attack by 30% for 30 seconds.
Attack up by 15%.
Critical rate up by 15%.
Reduce the effect of Burden: Curtain of Darkness.
Refining Ability
Reduce the effect of Burden: Debilitating Bane.
Level 70
No ascension

Level 90
Max ascension

Level 100
Max ascension + Exalted

Temp abilities and rank bonuses are not included in the stats.
Rank bonuses
Slot n°1
Agility 150, Attack 15%
Agility 125, Attack 10%
Agility 100, Attack 8%
Attack 15%, Critical Rate 10%
Attack 10%, Critical Rate 8%
Attack 8%, Critical Rate 6%
Critical Damage 10%, Critical Rate 10%
Critical Damage 10%, Critical Rate 8%
Critical Damage 8%, Critical Rate 6%
Attack 15%, Critical Damage 10%
Attack 10%, Critical Damage 10%
Attack 8%, Critical Damage 8%
Agility 150, Critical Damage 10%
Agility 125, Critical Damage 10%
Agility 100, Critical Damage 8%
Slot n°2
Damage up by 25% when HP is above 70%.
Damage up by 20% when HP is above 70%.
Damage up by 15% when HP is above 70%.
Damage up by 25% when HP is below 60%.
Damage up by 20% when HP is below 60%.
Damage up by 15% when HP is below 60%.
Character skill gauge needed reduced by 8% while equipped with a fire-affinity main weapon.
Character skill gauge needed reduced by 6% while equipped with a fire-affinity main weapon.
Character skill gauge needed reduced by 5% while equipped with a fire-affinity main weapon.
Damage up by 25% on chain attacks of 3 or more.
Damage up by 20% on chain attacks of 3 or more.
Damage up by 15% on chain attacks of 3 or more.
Extends the duration of status-boosting effects you use by 15 seconds.
Extends the duration of status-boosting effects you use by 10 seconds.
Extends the duration of status-boosting effects you use by 8 seconds.
Slot n°3
Reduces the likelihood of being afflicted by burn by 50%.
Reduces the likelihood of being afflicted by burn by 40%.
Reduces the likelihood of being afflicted by burn by 30%.
Reduces the likelihood of being afflicted by stun by 50%.
Reduces the likelihood of being afflicted by stun by 40%.
Reduces the likelihood of being afflicted by stun by 30%.
Damage taken reduced 10% 3 times at the start of a wave.
Damage taken reduced 8% 3 times at the start of a wave.
Damage taken reduced 6% 3 times at the start of a wave.
Chance of a 3/4/5-chain occurring up by 3% each for all allies.
Chance of a 3/4/5-chain occurring up by 2% each for all allies.
Chance of a 3/4/5-chain occurring up by 1% each for all allies.
Wind damage taken down by 8%.
Wind damage taken down by 6%.
Wind damage taken down by 5%.
Skill cooldown time reduced by 30%.
Skill cooldown time reduced by 24%.
Skill cooldown time reduced by 18%.
Costume sources
Premium Summons: Merry[in]carnation Mama's Exciting Festival
Ended over 1 year ago
2 days
12/23/2022 - 12/26/2022
![Premium Summons: Merry[in]carnation Mama's Exciting Festival thumbnail](https://reinguide-assets.s3.eu-central-1.wasabisys.com/large_Fko_Mil_Pa_MA_Ak_Mfi_1f4d4bece5.jpg)
Costume story

Hunter: How long has it been since I've visited the beach?
She checks her prosthetics, which are burning in the summer sun.
Hunter: God, it's so hot...
She goes to buy an ice cream to cool down.
Hunter: One ice cream, please.
But the heat from her prosthetic causes the ice cream to melt
the second she makes contact with it.
Hunter: Damn.
She catches a drop on her finger and licks it off.
Hunter: Right. I'm going home.