Abyss Towers and Subjugation
Last updated: over 1 year ago
Hello everyone! I'm DVX, and I make YouTube content for NieR Re[in]carnation SEA! This tier list is meant for the game's PVE game modes, most especially for Abyss Towers and Subjugation. This will be updated as new costumes are released!
You can click "Read more" for a brief description of the tier list.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DVXplays | Reddit: u/DerivativeX | Discord: DVX#7590
The general tier list is based on the following:
Costumes are assumed to be at max Ascension.
These are compared based on their base stats (HP, ATK, etc.), character skills, and character abilities 1 and 2.
Their corresponding weapons are not factored in for comparison.
Custom tiers are reserved for Supports, as their value is unique to them and vital for the entire team. For now, they are separated according to their skills, namely Attack Supports, Defense Breakers, and Healers.
What about Crit Rate and Crit Damage Supports?
Crit Rate and Crit Damage are stats that can easily be adjusted through memoirs and weapon equipment. While it is alright to invest on these types of supports in the short-term, it's better long-term to just farm memoirs with a primary Crit Rate or Crit Damage stat.
How about Defense Supports?
The only Defense Supports we have right now are 3-star Dissenting Fio and Dissenting Rion. Honestly, though, Defense is not something you should invest in at this point of the game, especially with Subjugation's debut.
Update Log
SEA 1.0 (02-13-23, UTC+8) - release
SEA 1.1 (02-17-23, UTC+8) - corrected Bloody Assassin's note
SEA 1.2 (03-04-23, UTC+8) - adjusted EX Griff (S>SSS); added Guardian Griff to attack supports; removed notes from Fractured Lars, Bloody Akeha, Bloodless Levania
SEA 1.3 (04-05-23, UTC+8) - added Lacrima Lars, Lacrima Griff, Fractured Argo, and the "Elemental Buff" category