Agility Snipers
Last updated: 8 months ago
What are the purpose of Agility Snipers?
Agility Snipers act as the vanguard of both attack and defense teams by using high agility stats to get the first normal attack of the game. Many snipers, if built correctly, can kill an enemy turret with a 3+ hit normal attack. Of course, this is a luck based risk vs reward archetype, but not including an agility rusher to contest or beat enemy snipers can be incredibly dangerous if luck is in their favor.
Agility Potential
Some units have higher agility due to Rank Bonuses and passive skills such as Fleetfoot and Soldier. Units with more built in agility have more flexibility in terms of build options, such as having the luxury of retaining or discarding cooldown reduction memoirs and hastening sub-weapons. This list generally avoids including units with no built in agility, with a handful of exceptions due to unique capabilities or as options for those with limited units available to them (eg: DQX Marie being light based and having access to an excellent kit of agility offensive weapons (Dusk Gayle sword, Refined Subjugation Staff, NY Marie sword).
If available, all of these costumes ideally want pursuit 2nd slot (bold is also an option for costumes that have innate bold passives), and 30% haste 3rd slot. 1st slot depends if you want to compromise their output by adding the 150 agi option along with crit damage or attack, as opposed to the ideal highest damage output option 5% crit chance and 10% crit damage.
Managed by .astonishing, nimbusEXP, .keziah, and emperor_of_mankind. on Discord.