9 costumes found for Yudil

Limited costume
Added 01/01/2024 (8 months ago)





Deal 15% damage to one enemy 5 times. Inflict Compromised to one enemy (60 seconds). Continually recover 20% of your HP for 5 turns when own affinity is water. (Usable from start.)
Agility up by 60% for 30 seconds.
Skill cooldown time reduced by 15% while equipped with a water-affinity main weapon.

Damage up by 40% when HP is above 70%.

Your character skill gauge will fill by 30% at the start of battle while equipped with a water-affinity main weapon.
Passive 60% temp agi and 15% water haste makes for a really strong sniper with quicker skills than usual, especially when paired with the 40% Bold Vigor at A3.
His CS applies Compromise to one target; a soft counter to NY Sarafa.
Compromise rundown:
Prevents -> Status Ailment: poison, stun, burn, blind, compromise;
Prevents -> Status Changes: Damage dealt up (temp pursuit / temp boon), damage taken down, regen, provoke, invulnerable(?), status change resistance, damage taken up (crush), dauntless (can't go below 1 HP), defiance (deflect Auto Attacks);
Does NOT prevent -> Buffs / Debuffs: valiance (temp vigor), ripper (temp damage down), ward (temp defense up), render (temp defense down), temp agi up, temp agi down, crit chance up, crit damage up;Passive 60% temp agi and 15% water haste makes for a really strong sniper with quicker skills than usual, especially when paired with the 40% Bold Vigor at A3.
His CS applies Compromise to one target; a soft counter to NY Sarafa.
Compromise rundown:
Prevents -> Status Ailment: poison, stun, burn, blind, compromise;
Prevents -> Status Changes: Damage dealt up (temp pursuit / temp boon), damage taken down, regen, provoke, invulnerable(?), status change resistance, damage taken up (crush), dauntless (can't go below 1 HP), defiance (deflect Auto Attacks);
Does NOT prevent -> Buffs / Debuffs: valiance (temp vigor), ripper (temp damage down), ward (temp defense up), render (temp defense down), temp agi up, temp agi down, crit chance up, crit damage up;You wouldn't be using his CS for damage purpose, but his overall very high base attack, bold vigor and superior haste can make him a decent DPS with sustained high damage. Lack of heavily damaging CS naturally sets him back compared to standard PVE DPS.
Passive 60% temp agi and 15% water haste makes for a really strong sniper with quicker skills than usual, especially when paired with the 40% Bold Vigor at A3.
His CS applies Compromise to one target; a soft counter to NY Sarafa.
Compromise rundown:
Prevents -> Status Ailment: poison, stun, burn, blind, compromise;
Prevents -> Status Changes: Damage dealt up (temp pursuit / temp boon), damage taken down, regen, provoke, invulnerable(?), status change resistance, damage taken up (crush), dauntless (can't go below 1 HP), defiance (deflect Auto Attacks);
Does NOT prevent -> Buffs / Debuffs: valiance (temp vigor), ripper (temp damage down), ward (temp defense up), render (temp defense down), temp agi up, temp agi down, crit chance up, crit damage up;
Costume's weapon




Deal 100% damage to one enemy 5 times (damage increased by 60% when HP over 80%).

Deal 100% damage to one enemy 4 times and increase your water damage by 30% (15 seconds).
Water damage dealt up by 35%.
Skill cooldown time reduced by 10% while equipped with a water-affinity main weapon.
Reduce the effect of Burden: Corrosive Smog.
Refining Ability
Reduce the effect of Burden: Curtain of Darkness.
Level 70
No ascension

Level 90
Max ascension

Level 100
Max ascension + Exalted

Temp abilities and rank bonuses are not included in the stats.
Rank bonuses
Slot n°1
Agility 150, Attack 10%
Agility 125, Attack 7%
Agility 100, Attack 5%
Attack 10%, Critical Rate 5%
Attack 7%, Critical Rate 4%
Attack 5%, Critical Rate 3%
Critical Damage 10%, Critical Rate 5%
Critical Damage 7%, Critical Rate 4%
Critical Damage 5%, Critical Rate 3%
Attack 10%, Critical Damage 10%
Attack 7%, Critical Damage 7%
Attack 5%, Critical Damage 5%
Agility 150, Critical Damage 10%
Agility 125, Critical Damage 7%
Agility 100, Critical Damage 5%
Slot n°2
Character skill gauge needed reduced by 8% while equipped with a water-affinity main weapon.
Character skill gauge needed reduced by 6% while equipped with a water-affinity main weapon.
Character skill gauge needed reduced by 5% while equipped with a water-affinity main weapon.
Skill cooldown time reduced by 8% while equipped with a water-affinity main weapon.
Skill cooldown time reduced by 6% while equipped with a water-affinity main weapon.
Skill cooldown time reduced by 5% while equipped with a water-affinity main weapon.
Damage up by 20% when HP is above 70%.
Damage up by 15% when HP is above 70%.
Damage up by 10% when HP is above 70%.
Damage up by 20% when HP is below 60%.
Damage up by 15% when HP is below 60%.
Damage up by 10% when HP is below 60%.
Water damage dealt up by 8%.
Water damage dealt up by 6%.
Water damage dealt up by 5%.
Slot n°3
Reduces the likelihood of being afflicted by burn by 60%.
Reduces the likelihood of being afflicted by burn by 50%.
Reduces the likelihood of being afflicted by burn by 40%.
Reduces the likelihood of being afflicted by stun by 60%.
Reduces the likelihood of being afflicted by stun by 50%.
Reduces the likelihood of being afflicted by stun by 40%.
Damage taken reduced 10% 3 times at the start of a wave.
Damage taken reduced 8% 3 times at the start of a wave.
Damage taken reduced 6% 3 times at the start of a wave.
Chance of a 3/4/5-chain occurring up by 3% each for all allies.
Chance of a 3/4/5-chain occurring up by 2% each for all allies.
Chance of a 3/4/5-chain occurring up by 1% each for all allies.
Fire damage taken down by 8%.
Fire damage taken down by 6%.
Fire damage taken down by 5%.
Skill cooldown time reduced by 30%.
Skill cooldown time reduced by 24%.
Skill cooldown time reduced by 18%.
Costume source
Costume story

So close, yet I cannot reach
And my tears are as dry as the sand
No miracle greater than the morning sun
Death may come for me, sudden and swift
Such is the price I pray for that smile