Balanced + Agi rusher
Last updated: over 1 year ago
What are balanced units?
A balanced DPS is a unit that has agi passive and/or can be built for decent agility depending on build and sub passives (aka temporary agility). Dealing high damage AA and skills are 2 of the main key factors for a balanced DPS or support DPS. Building a balanced DPS requires double haste and full set CDR memoirs with an AGI main; as a side note some gacha weapons can have temp agility 20% + elemental haste on them. Best example of balanced DPS teams require at least one agility support (either temp or perm).
As of the current meta, is It not yet possible to build a balanced 1h (unless they have AGI by default) due to the lack of 1h subj weapon. Best bet for a 1h user to go full agility build or use off type main subj weapon if you can cope with a single hit AA.
What are agi rusher units?
Raw agility rushers are built mainly to have very high agility (anything beyond the range of 3k agility is considered fast with the highest number of agility to be possibly reached about the range of ~4k). Quick notice that more speed can sacrifice damage potential + RNG can easily turn the tables against you. In the case of 2 DPS + Tank teams it's good to have an agility rusher for the safety of surviving a possible AA kill from enemy defence.
Building an agility rusher is to stack temporary agility passives from gacha weapons (and there's plenty of them; the very good ones come with boon + agi passives) + the 30% agility from a subjugation weapon. Some agi rushers have already built in temp agi so it is best to avoid going over the cap of 100% temp agility. Anything past that number doesn't count. Half cdmg/beserker/agi sets are preferred for these types of builds with a minimum of one main AGI memoir. Having any agility support in the team can help your AGI rusher reach higher speed potential without sacrificing too much AA damage.
Please avoid using abyssal chars as agility rushers. High stats doesn't mean high damage.
Initial work by Raon Miru#7516

Agility Rushers