
Last updated: over 1 year ago

Hello everyone! I'm DVX, and I make YouTube content for NieR Re[in]carnation SEA! This tier list is meant for the game's PVE game modes, most especially for Abyss Towers and Subjugation. This will be updated as new weapons are released!

You can click "Read more" for a brief description of the tier list.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DVXplays | Reddit: u/DerivativeX | Discord: DVX#7590

The entire list is arranged according to their elemental affinity: Fire | Wind | Water | Light| Dark. The tier list is based on these criteria:

  • SSS - 4-star, all weapon skills and abilities have value and synergy with each other

  • SS - 4-star, 1 skill OR ability is out-of-place/meh

  • S - 4-star, 1-2 skills or abilities are out-of-place/meh

  • A - 3-star, good replacements for 4-star weapons

Custom tiers highlight useful weapon categories, like Valiance skills, elemental damage, and other weapons that bring utility for the entire team, i.e., Mending and Render. Some weapons from the custom tiers are also in the general tier list. You should consider using these weapons regardless of their tiers.

All weapons with Soldier skills or any Agility-related skills are excluded from this tier list and will be included in the PVP weapons tier list; those with Agility abilities are still included.

Update Log
SEA 1.0 (02-13-23, UTC +8) - release
SEA 1.1 (02-16-23, UTC +8) - removed Phoenix Lance as it is a PVP weapon
SEA 1.2 (03-04-23, UTC +8) - added Outlaw's Staff, Core Oddstaff, and Goldfeather: Culmen
SEA 1.2 (04-05-23, UTC +8) - added Blacktoe Dagger, Fortune's Tusk, Blacktoe Greatsword, Courtly Devotion, and Thunderflash Lance


The Black Flower

Spear of the Usurper

Blackbird Gauntlets

War's Chronicle IV

Three-Wing Sword

Fang of the Twins


Staff of Judgment

Ancient Overlord


Fanciful Pistol

Formal Salute

Blade of the Lost Seal

Blackbird Dagger

Fortune's Tusk

Greatsword of the Titan

Iron Signpost

Entranced Memory

Antinomy Sword

Wicked Bottles


War's Chronicle III

Type-3 Blade

Faulty Greatsword

Blacktoe Greatsword

Type-3 Lance

Bones of Enticement

Wretched Greatsword

Wretched Knuckles

Machine Axe

Silversnow Fang

Thunderflash Lance

Silversnow Tail

Seabone Staff

Mock Type-4O Sword

Type-4O Lance

Blackbird Crosier

Ancestral Memory

Blacktoe Dagger

Tormented Furrower

Cruel Adoration

Outlaw's Gun

Two's Sword


Bloodied Broadknife

Forbidden Scrapsteel Obelisk

Bloodied Artillery

Vengeful Echoes

Blade of Judgment

Cicada Husk

Blackbird Greatsword

Sublime Sacrifice

Demon's Cry

Blackbird Lance

The Devil Queen

Chaste Spear

Bloodroot Vase

Blackbird Gun

Type-4O Sword

Stratocratic Providence

Virtuous Grief

Type-4O Fists

Mock Type-4O Fists

YoRHa-issue Blade

Cruel Blood Oath


Cruel Arrogance

Aloof Gauntlets

Antinomy Staff


Dark Dagger

Trial Shearing Pike: WR0a

Hexer's Staff


Wretched Gun

Scepter of Change

Wretched Staff

Baton of Tender Rain

Seabone Gun

Desolate Loss

Blossoming Greatsword

Goldfeather: Culmen

Dark Fists

Dark Revolver


Stratocratic Circumstance

Gun of the Titan

Core Oddstaff

Kainé's Sword

Elemental Damage

EX Perfect Justice IV

EX Pure Lotus IV

EX Blade of Parting IV

EX Handgun of Aid IV

EX Four Seasons IV

EX Si'F-06alter IV

EX Treason's Reward IV


EX Recurring Sin IV

EX Glimmering Stephanos IV


EX Cadeau Royal IV

Only EX weapons are the notable weapons now that specialize in each element so far

Valiance (Team Attack Buff)


Iron Signpost

Courtly Devotion


Faulty Greatsword


Wretched Greatsword

Handgun of Judgment

Staff of Judgment


Murderous Intent

Forbidden Scrapsteel Blade

Knuckles of Judgment

Wretched Gun

Wretched Staff


The Black Flower

Bloodied Broadknife

Bloodied Artillery

Fang of the Twins

Three-Wing Sword

Wretched Knuckles

Lonebloom Staff

Virtuous Treaty

Type-4O Lance

Blackbird Crosier

Cruel Blood Oath

Tormented Furrower

Outlaw's Gun

Cruel Adoration


Baton of Tender Rain

Core Oddstaff

This list is arranged from highest Valiance buff to the lowest and listed from left to right, top to bottom



Strat. Inevitability




Goldfeather: Wing

Virtuous Dignity

Stratocratic Fate

Cryptolith Staff


Mechanical Baton

Philosopher's Staff

Three-Wing Staff

This list is arranged from highest Mending buff to the lowest and listed from left to right, top to bottom

Render (Defense Reduction)


Blade of the Lost Seal


Wretched Blade

Wretched Knuckles

Fang of the Twins

Lonebloom Staff



Dragoon Lance

Arbiter's Greatsword


Baton of Tender Rain


Type-3 Lance

War's Chronicle III

Forbidden Scrapsteel Arm

Vengeful Echoes

Demon's Cry

Blackbird Lance

Entranced Memory

Two's Sword

Wicked Bottles

This list is arranged from highest Render debuff to the lowest and listed from left to right, top to bottom. Weapons with only 8% Render skills are excluded because (1) they are all 3-star weapons and (2) fully investing on them for only an 8% debuff is not worth it.
