Lv. 15/15

Queen's Bold Vigor x4
Deal 85% damage to one enemy 4 times (damage increased by 20% when HP over 80%).
Cooldown: 27s
Lv. 15/15

Queen's Aegis
Deal 60% damage to one enemy 2 times and increase your defense by 10% for 10 seconds.
Cooldown: 15s
Lv. 15/15
Bold Vigor
Damage up by 15% when HP is above 70%.
Lv. 15/15
Defense up by 10%.
Lv. 15/15
Barrier: Curtain of Darkness Rank 2
Reduce the effect of Burden: Curtain of Darkness.
Level 70



Level 90 (Max Limit Break)



Timed or conditional passives are not included in the stats.
Weapon source
Sorry, no potential event source found.
Long ago, there was a court chef who was close friends with the
uncle of the older sister to the shop owner whose main branch was
next to the instrument store that made the bard's lyre.
uncle of the older sister to the shop owner whose main branch was
next to the instrument store that made the bard's lyre.
The chef made whimsical cho voir-style zolgoi where the thulsorza
was boiled for three days and three nights similar to Buffonne-style
toltaffin dumplings garnished with otinuls vi laconte.
was boiled for three days and three nights similar to Buffonne-style
toltaffin dumplings garnished with otinuls vi laconte.
The queen said it tasted like sludge from the root of the tree in
the center of the forest at the base of the mountain as seen from
the best views at the castle at the edge of the field.
the center of the forest at the base of the mountain as seen from
the best views at the castle at the edge of the field.
The chef despaired at losing the queen's favor and took a halberd
and pierced his own throat and the queen was sad because she
meant to compliment him but it was too late so she kept eating.
and pierced his own throat and the queen was sad because she
meant to compliment him but it was too late so she kept eating.