Lv. 15/15

Stratocratic Mending
Recover up to 25% HP for all allies (recovers more health the higher your HP is).
Cooldown: 28s
Lv. 15/15

Stratocratic Ripper
Deal 50% damage to one enemy 2 times and reduce their attack by 8% for 10 seconds.
Cooldown: 19s
Lv. 15/15
Defense up by 8%.
Lv. 15/15
HP up by 8%.
Lv. 15/15
Barrier: Miasma of Indolence Rank 2
Reduce the effect of Burden: Miasma of Indolence.
Level 60



Level 80 (Max Limit Break)



Timed or conditional passives are not included in the stats.
Weapon source
Sorry, no potential event source found.
There was once a soldier who wielded a greatsword for a
war-loving king. He fought day after day, year after year,
and loved every moment of it, gaining great wealth and
fame as a result.
war-loving king. He fought day after day, year after year,
and loved every moment of it, gaining great wealth and
fame as a result.
The only thing he loved more than battle was climbing the castle
walls and looking down at the city, for he loathed the common folk.
That was why he gave all to the service of his king.
walls and looking down at the city, for he loathed the common folk.
That was why he gave all to the service of his king.
After many battles, the man was named a general and summoned
by the king. His heart sang as he walked to the throne room, for he
knew his liege would have a great role for him in the next war.
by the king. His heart sang as he walked to the throne room, for he
knew his liege would have a great role for him in the next war.
But the king told the man the next war would be fought by
clockwork men and dismissed him. The next day, he leapt from the
wall and became a smudge on the ground that the common folk
simply ignored.
clockwork men and dismissed him. The next day, he leapt from the
wall and became a smudge on the ground that the common folk
simply ignored.