
Bear: Indy
A stuffed bear that sat unsold on the shelf of a toy
store in a distant world. It prayed for a family with
a little girl to come collect it, but these pleas
went unanswered.
As its loneliness grew, the meter attached to its chest
swung to the right, and some claim it even shed a tear.
After the store was shut down, it was tossed out
into the wind and rain, where the meter remained
ever frozen.
store in a distant world. It prayed for a family with
a little girl to come collect it, but these pleas
went unanswered.
As its loneliness grew, the meter attached to its chest
swung to the right, and some claim it even shed a tear.
After the store was shut down, it was tossed out
into the wind and rain, where the meter remained
ever frozen.

Bear: Precious
A stuffed toy that brought tragedy to a young couple in
a distant world after an excited young man bought it
at a department store for his girlfriend's birthday.
He expected her to be delighted, but instead she hurled
it to the ground right after unwrapping it, screaming
"I told you I wanted a HARE, not a BEAR!"
The poor creature developed a complex after this,
and vowed to become a rabbit in its next life.
a distant world after an excited young man bought it
at a department store for his girlfriend's birthday.
He expected her to be delighted, but instead she hurled
it to the ground right after unwrapping it, screaming
"I told you I wanted a HARE, not a BEAR!"
The poor creature developed a complex after this,
and vowed to become a rabbit in its next life.

Bear: Sandra
A valuable, limited-edition stuffed bear created by
a famous designer in a distant world. Once the
creature became aware of its own value,
it became obscenely prideful.
Said value, however, came not from the bear,
but from the golden bit attached to its chest.
Upon realizing this, the bear began to loathe
capitalism from the depths of its heart.
a famous designer in a distant world. Once the
creature became aware of its own value,
it became obscenely prideful.
Said value, however, came not from the bear,
but from the golden bit attached to its chest.
Upon realizing this, the bear began to loathe
capitalism from the depths of its heart.

Bear: Patch
A stuffed toy that was once the playmate to a young
girl in a distant world. The girl's mother was a nurse,
and she imitated her by tending to the bear's
imaginary wounds, taking its vitals, and so on.
Eventually, the bear tried bleeding from the mouth in
order to please the girl, and soon she was pestering it
to spew blood day and night so she could enjoy a more
realistic game of nurse.
girl in a distant world. The girl's mother was a nurse,
and she imitated her by tending to the bear's
imaginary wounds, taking its vitals, and so on.
Eventually, the bear tried bleeding from the mouth in
order to please the girl, and soon she was pestering it
to spew blood day and night so she could enjoy a more
realistic game of nurse.

Bear: Andre
An odd stuffed toy hidden in the room of a naughty
boy from a distant world. Though born kind, the
child's behavior became wilder as he matured.
The bear, however, was a gift from his late
grandmother, and he treasured it as a way to
help keep her memory alive. None but the toy
knew the boy still retained a good heart.
boy from a distant world. Though born kind, the
child's behavior became wilder as he matured.
The bear, however, was a gift from his late
grandmother, and he treasured it as a way to
help keep her memory alive. None but the toy
knew the boy still retained a good heart.

Doll: Sayuri
A doll imbued with the deep grudge of a priestess who
died after being assaulted by the priest of a respected
shrine. When young, she was taken in by the priest,
but he had only wanted to use her divine powers
to line his own pockets.
Sadly, when the girl died on her 20th birthday,
her powers perished with her, and are not
to be found within this doll.
died after being assaulted by the priest of a respected
shrine. When young, she was taken in by the priest,
but he had only wanted to use her divine powers
to line his own pockets.
Sadly, when the girl died on her 20th birthday,
her powers perished with her, and are not
to be found within this doll.

Doll: Satsuki
A doll containing a terrible demon that attacked
countless people in days of yore. The demon
devoured men, women, and children with impunity,
until six famous mediums sealed it inside the doll
in an effort to contain it.
It raged without end when it was first sealed away,
but has now been inside the doll so long it finds it
rather comfortable.
countless people in days of yore. The demon
devoured men, women, and children with impunity,
until six famous mediums sealed it inside the doll
in an effort to contain it.
It raged without end when it was first sealed away,
but has now been inside the doll so long it finds it
rather comfortable.

Doll: Botan
A doll possessed by the vengeful spirit of a girl who
killed herself after being bullied. Her tormentors hated
her for her achievements, and so worked together
to deceive her and make her life a living hell.
Even now in this new form, she is always on edge,
suspecting everyone of having an ulterior motive.
killed herself after being bullied. Her tormentors hated
her for her achievements, and so worked together
to deceive her and make her life a living hell.
Even now in this new form, she is always on edge,
suspecting everyone of having an ulterior motive.

Doll: Elena
A doll possessed by the spirit of a woman who ignored
her own needs in order to live for others. Her kind,
earnest nature eventually ran rampant, causing her
to try to handle every detail for them.
Even now she seems bizarrely single-minded in her
focus on others, but it is admittedly hard to tell
what a doll is thinking.
her own needs in order to live for others. Her kind,
earnest nature eventually ran rampant, causing her
to try to handle every detail for them.
Even now she seems bizarrely single-minded in her
focus on others, but it is admittedly hard to tell
what a doll is thinking.

Doll: Sumire
A doll possessed by an unfathomable and wicked entity.
According to ancient documents, not only could this
being understand and communicate via human speech,
it was also said to engage in some kind of remote
communication in an unknown language.
Though much time has passed—and the creature
now exists in doll form—nothing new has been
learned about it.
According to ancient documents, not only could this
being understand and communicate via human speech,
it was also said to engage in some kind of remote
communication in an unknown language.
Though much time has passed—and the creature
now exists in doll form—nothing new has been
learned about it.

Tome: Star & Song
A book detailing the world's birth. It explains the
creation of all things and ends with the prophetic
"Thus was born light and dark, and so shall wars
between the two continue until all existence is dust."
A grim portent of things to come indeed...
creation of all things and ends with the prophetic
"Thus was born light and dark, and so shall wars
between the two continue until all existence is dust."
A grim portent of things to come indeed...

Tome: Blood & Sacrifice
A book detailing the world's medicines. Though it
claims to be a record of research on the very
substance of life, it's mostly just a collection of
cruel medical experiments. (The fact all the pages
are smeared with blood does not help in this regard.)
Gazing into the eyeballs on the cover, one can feel
the insanity of its author.
claims to be a record of research on the very
substance of life, it's mostly just a collection of
cruel medical experiments. (The fact all the pages
are smeared with blood does not help in this regard.)
Gazing into the eyeballs on the cover, one can feel
the insanity of its author.

Tome: Belief & Heart
A book detailing the world's faiths. It records all the
various things people have believed throughout history,
and the prayers and wishes contained within are the
very picture of the human heart.
At the same time, the actions of its subjects are
wildly inconsistent, making it a source of
endless entertainment.
various things people have believed throughout history,
and the prayers and wishes contained within are the
very picture of the human heart.
At the same time, the actions of its subjects are
wildly inconsistent, making it a source of
endless entertainment.

Tome: Cause & Malice
A book detailing the world's taboos. A sampling of its
content includes accounts of the people who broke said
taboos—a disturbing collection of ghastly stories filled
with torture and death.
Were all who met such fates truly evil?
Alas, this question no longer has any meaning.
content includes accounts of the people who broke said
taboos—a disturbing collection of ghastly stories filled
with torture and death.
Were all who met such fates truly evil?
Alas, this question no longer has any meaning.

Tome: Heaven & Earth
A book detailing the world's nature. It illustrates the
world's many lands from a combination of fact and
hearsay, and features not only animals, plants,
and various ores, but also the very structures of
civilization and society.
The human spirit of inquiry has illuminated many
mysteries, but as that light strengthens, so, too,
does the darkness.
world's many lands from a combination of fact and
hearsay, and features not only animals, plants,
and various ores, but also the very structures of
civilization and society.
The human spirit of inquiry has illuminated many
mysteries, but as that light strengthens, so, too,
does the darkness.

Spirit: Salus
A spirit that governs the sky. Long a symbol of
salvation, the powers that rain from above have
been known to punish the strong with judgmental
lightning or save the weak with blessed rain.
Though humanity has long dreamed of setting foot
in the skies to be closer to such divine deeds,
this accomplishment has sadly yet to occur.
salvation, the powers that rain from above have
been known to punish the strong with judgmental
lightning or save the weak with blessed rain.
Though humanity has long dreamed of setting foot
in the skies to be closer to such divine deeds,
this accomplishment has sadly yet to occur.

Spirit: Space
A spirit that governs the morning. Long a symbol of
hope, it radiates blinding light across the land,
granting energy to all living things. Some modern
humans, however, see it not as a symbol of hope,
but of gloom.
Perhaps the arrival of morning is also an indicator
that unpleasant events are about to unfold?
hope, it radiates blinding light across the land,
granting energy to all living things. Some modern
humans, however, see it not as a symbol of hope,
but of gloom.
Perhaps the arrival of morning is also an indicator
that unpleasant events are about to unfold?

Spirit: Reïs
A spirit that governs the sea. Long a symbol of
mystery, its abyssal depths hide a world where
not even light can reach, and where only select
creatures eke out existence.
The sea is a paradise for countless creatures and
an indispensable resource for humanity, and yet
humanity is also responsible for sullying it.
mystery, its abyssal depths hide a world where
not even light can reach, and where only select
creatures eke out existence.
The sea is a paradise for countless creatures and
an indispensable resource for humanity, and yet
humanity is also responsible for sullying it.

Spirit: Metos
A spirit that governs the night. Long a symbol of terror,
the night is a terrifying world where spirits and
evildoers creep about in the dark.
On the other hand, humanity has also learned that
night comes with its own kind of beauty, such as
the waxing and waning of the moon or the cries
of various critters.
Truly, fascination is stronger than fear.
the night is a terrifying world where spirits and
evildoers creep about in the dark.
On the other hand, humanity has also learned that
night comes with its own kind of beauty, such as
the waxing and waning of the moon or the cries
of various critters.
Truly, fascination is stronger than fear.

Spirit: Wyss
A spirit that governs the forest. Long a symbol of life,
abundant nature stimulates growth not just in humanity,
but in plants and animals as well. Yet as civilization
develops, nature wanes—which greatly affects all life.
One must always remember how easy it is to destroy
nature, and how dreadfully difficult it is to create.
abundant nature stimulates growth not just in humanity,
but in plants and animals as well. Yet as civilization
develops, nature wanes—which greatly affects all life.
One must always remember how easy it is to destroy
nature, and how dreadfully difficult it is to create.

Dragon: Peridot
The reincarnated form of a mythical dragon who once
lived in a distant world. He held the power to create
tornados with a mere flap of his wings, and to blow
away mountains with a single breath.
Yet according to a hero who spoke with him, he was
intelligent and possessed of great oratory skills,
and an all-around pleasant dragon to be with.
lived in a distant world. He held the power to create
tornados with a mere flap of his wings, and to blow
away mountains with a single breath.
Yet according to a hero who spoke with him, he was
intelligent and possessed of great oratory skills,
and an all-around pleasant dragon to be with.

Dragon: Apatite
The reincarnated form of a mythical dragon who once
lived in a distant world. Possessed of a great
compassion, she brought healing rains to parched
lands—though she could also create floods
that engulfed all in their path.
According to the women she saved, she was intelligent,
clever, and exhibited a mother's kindness.
lived in a distant world. Possessed of a great
compassion, she brought healing rains to parched
lands—though she could also create floods
that engulfed all in their path.
According to the women she saved, she was intelligent,
clever, and exhibited a mother's kindness.

Dragon: Garnet
The reincarnated form of a mythical dragon who once
lived in a distant world. He had the power to turn
entire regions to ash with a single breath, and his
anger was known to cause volcanoes to erupt.
Though he was capable of communication, all who
attempted to speak with him claimed he was too
hot-tempered to hold a rational conversation.
lived in a distant world. He had the power to turn
entire regions to ash with a single breath, and his
anger was known to cause volcanoes to erupt.
Though he was capable of communication, all who
attempted to speak with him claimed he was too
hot-tempered to hold a rational conversation.

Dragon: Selenite
The reincarnated form of a mythical dragon who once
lived in a distant world. Her light purified evil and
brought hope and vitality to all who beheld it.
According to the celestial maidens who conversed with
her, she acted and spoke with exceeding politeness
at all times.
lived in a distant world. Her light purified evil and
brought hope and vitality to all who beheld it.
According to the celestial maidens who conversed with
her, she acted and spoke with exceeding politeness
at all times.

Dragon: Amethyst
The reincarnated form of a mythical dragon who once
lived in a distant world. He wrought disaster and
despair to any land he beheld, and had the power
to summon hordes of fiends wherever he went.
According to various biographies, he spoke in
complicated, roundabout language, and was
generally something of a pain to deal with.
lived in a distant world. He wrought disaster and
despair to any land he beheld, and had the power
to summon hordes of fiends wherever he went.
According to various biographies, he spoke in
complicated, roundabout language, and was
generally something of a pain to deal with.

Mech: Domestic Pod
A domestic support unit manufactured in a distant
world. Created as a so-called "helper bot," it had
functions for all manner of housework, including
cleaning, cooking, and laundry.
The unit was also infinitely customizable, which
made it a smash hit among consumers. It was sold
with the tagline: "Meet Your Perfect Partner!"
world. Created as a so-called "helper bot," it had
functions for all manner of housework, including
cleaning, cooking, and laundry.
The unit was also infinitely customizable, which
made it a smash hit among consumers. It was sold
with the tagline: "Meet Your Perfect Partner!"

Mech: Prototype Pod
The prototype of a support unit manufactured in a
distant world. Though later models adopted many
of the functions installed in this test product,
consumers complained that its casual mode
of speech made it "sorta creepy."
Later models rectified this by having it respond with
"affirmative" or "negative" during conversations.
distant world. Though later models adopted many
of the functions installed in this test product,
consumers complained that its casual mode
of speech made it "sorta creepy."
Later models rectified this by having it respond with
"affirmative" or "negative" during conversations.

Mech: Mock-Up Pod
An odd sample unit created in a distant world by a
famous product designer during a eureka moment.
As it was patched together with makeshift parts,
it has a somewhat clunky look—but only the
greatest of churls would dare complain about
such a thing with a mock-up.
famous product designer during a eureka moment.
As it was patched together with makeshift parts,
it has a somewhat clunky look—but only the
greatest of churls would dare complain about
such a thing with a mock-up.

Mech: Health Pod
A health support unit manufactured in a distant world.
Its superior analytic functions allowed it to measure not
only height and weight, but also body fat, muscle mass,
muscular substance, and hydration levels—after which
it would offer dietary and lifestyle suggestions.
It also monitored food intake, and came with a special
"nagging" function if one continually neglected their
Its superior analytic functions allowed it to measure not
only height and weight, but also body fat, muscle mass,
muscular substance, and hydration levels—after which
it would offer dietary and lifestyle suggestions.
It also monitored food intake, and came with a special
"nagging" function if one continually neglected their

Mech: Support Pod
A battle support unit manufactured in a distant world.
Its basic firearm design was directly influenced by the
sport of paintball, which was wildly popular at the time,
but it could also transport equipment and function as
a scout.
It was so effective, however, that teams with more
of these units possessed a massive advantage,
requiring them to eventually be banned from matches.
Its basic firearm design was directly influenced by the
sport of paintball, which was wildly popular at the time,
but it could also transport equipment and function as
a scout.
It was so effective, however, that teams with more
of these units possessed a massive advantage,
requiring them to eventually be banned from matches.

Tome: Grimoire Weiss
A book of infinite wisdom that was sealed away in an ancient
shrine before choosing to accompany a certain man on his
journey to collect the Sealed Verses.
Though many mysteries surround his origin and true worth, it's
clear this eccentric tome enjoys looking after people—despite
frequently proclaiming otherwise.
shrine before choosing to accompany a certain man on his
journey to collect the Sealed Verses.
Though many mysteries surround his origin and true worth, it's
clear this eccentric tome enjoys looking after people—despite
frequently proclaiming otherwise.

Dragon: Mikhail
The reincarnated form of a legendary dragon that once inhabited
another world. There was a woman for whom he held tremendous
fondness, and he protected her with awesome power that rivaled
any dragon of legend.
Capable of communication, all who conversed with him would go
on to speak of his childlike voice and personality, which one would
never expect given his most overbearing appearance.
another world. There was a woman for whom he held tremendous
fondness, and he protected her with awesome power that rivaled
any dragon of legend.
Capable of communication, all who conversed with him would go
on to speak of his childlike voice and personality, which one would
never expect given his most overbearing appearance.

Bear: Judith
A stuffed bear rescued from a garbage dump by a little girl. Recently,
a man-eating bear had appeared in her town and killed a handful of
people, causing everyone to loathe both bears and any toys that
looked like them.
This was how the stuffed bear came to be at the bottom of the dump
despite being in mint condition. And now, as the girl cradles it, she
whispers, "You're just like me."
a man-eating bear had appeared in her town and killed a handful of
people, causing everyone to loathe both bears and any toys that
looked like them.
This was how the stuffed bear came to be at the bottom of the dump
despite being in mint condition. And now, as the girl cradles it, she
whispers, "You're just like me."

Dragon: Calcite
The reincarnation of a mythical dragon who
once lived in a distant world.
His unique roar brought high spirits to all,
compelling them to hold countless feasts.
According to the villagers, he is intelligent, cheerful, and talkative
—the last almost to a fault.
once lived in a distant world.
His unique roar brought high spirits to all,
compelling them to hold countless feasts.
According to the villagers, he is intelligent, cheerful, and talkative
—the last almost to a fault.

Moogle: Kupli Kipp
A strange creature from a far-off world. Its magical skill
is considerable, to the point where only those of great wit
can see through the spells it casts to hide its presence.
The bat-like wings on its back are not for traditional
flying—rather, they exude magic that keeps the creature
afloat. Finally, the pom on top of its head is said to
change color depending on its mood.
is considerable, to the point where only those of great wit
can see through the spells it casts to hide its presence.
The bat-like wings on its back are not for traditional
flying—rather, they exude magic that keeps the creature
afloat. Finally, the pom on top of its head is said to
change color depending on its mood.

Bear: Sadie
A stuffed bear with an interesting history. Held dear by a
certain sailor, rumors quickly spread that its owner would
be blessed by great luck, leading to a number of large and
bloody sea battles. As the bear passed from one powerful
individual to the next, wild speculation and dubious truths
grew along with its fame. Yet it turned out there was nothing
special about the bear whatsoever—its only curse was the
fact none could ever realize its true, mundane nature until
they held it for themselves.
certain sailor, rumors quickly spread that its owner would
be blessed by great luck, leading to a number of large and
bloody sea battles. As the bear passed from one powerful
individual to the next, wild speculation and dubious truths
grew along with its fame. Yet it turned out there was nothing
special about the bear whatsoever—its only curse was the
fact none could ever realize its true, mundane nature until
they held it for themselves.

Tome: Sea & Chasm
A logbook kept by a notorious pirate crew. It details
such information as who owned what territory, which crews
were currently sailing the seas, and tips for dealing with
grumpy sea creatures. Several pages were also set aside to
chronicle a "luck-bringer doll." It's clear the author
spent considerable time searching for the doll, and the
splatters of blood that cover most of the writing speak
to how that particular quest turned out.
such information as who owned what territory, which crews
were currently sailing the seas, and tips for dealing with
grumpy sea creatures. Several pages were also set aside to
chronicle a "luck-bringer doll." It's clear the author
spent considerable time searching for the doll, and the
splatters of blood that cover most of the writing speak
to how that particular quest turned out.

Spirit: Fluss
A spirit that governs the summer. It has long been the season
of rest, and a time when people escape the sun's burning
light to rest their weary bones and pray to their ancestors.
Summer is a treasured time to children especially, for only
when they are grown do they realize all the time spent
playing in mountains and beaches—and all the time their
parents watched over them as they slept—can never return.
of rest, and a time when people escape the sun's burning
light to rest their weary bones and pray to their ancestors.
Summer is a treasured time to children especially, for only
when they are grown do they realize all the time spent
playing in mountains and beaches—and all the time their
parents watched over them as they slept—can never return.

Mech: Pirate Pod
A battle support unit manufactured in a distant world.
Called the "lucky mech" and rumored to attract treasure,
it was, in truth, nothing more than a scouting unit damaged
by exposure to salt. It also had an alarm that would sound
randomly and without warning, which only attracted attention.
The owner would inevitably end up battling countless enemies
as a result, leading to them claiming great stores of loot
and other treasures. As such, the mech was greatly loved
by pirates and others in positions of power.
Called the "lucky mech" and rumored to attract treasure,
it was, in truth, nothing more than a scouting unit damaged
by exposure to salt. It also had an alarm that would sound
randomly and without warning, which only attracted attention.
The owner would inevitably end up battling countless enemies
as a result, leading to them claiming great stores of loot
and other treasures. As such, the mech was greatly loved
by pirates and others in positions of power.

Doll: Konatsu
A doll housing the spirit of a girl who lived only for love.
Born in an eastern country, she was a natural hedonist who
chose lovers based on looks and wealth, caring for nothing
else. But her debauchery caused her to be chased from her
home, and she found herself in a southern country. There,
she fell for a poor and ugly man, for he was the only one
who deigned to even approach the foreign stranger. As she
lay ill and dying, she gave the man a doll modeled after what
she looked like in her most blessed days. When she passed
away, her spirit left her body and came to reside inside it.
Born in an eastern country, she was a natural hedonist who
chose lovers based on looks and wealth, caring for nothing
else. But her debauchery caused her to be chased from her
home, and she found herself in a southern country. There,
she fell for a poor and ugly man, for he was the only one
who deigned to even approach the foreign stranger. As she
lay ill and dying, she gave the man a doll modeled after what
she looked like in her most blessed days. When she passed
away, her spirit left her body and came to reside inside it.

Dragon: Fluorite
The reincarnated form of a mythical dragon who existed in
a distant world. The people of this world believed she lived
on their beautiful beaches and had the power to summon rain.
While she hated adults and would drag them into the depths
whenever she saw one, she adored children, and was said
to have sometimes been seen with children on her back
as she swam about.
a distant world. The people of this world believed she lived
on their beautiful beaches and had the power to summon rain.
While she hated adults and would drag them into the depths
whenever she saw one, she adored children, and was said
to have sometimes been seen with children on her back
as she swam about.

Spirit: Louise
A spirit that governs feasts. Long a symbol of celebration,
these parties grant people energy, letting them spend time
as though in a dream. Many feasts are accompanied by fancy
foods, beautiful music, and splendid gifts. But even without
such luxuries, people still forget their pains and troubles
as they indulge in that sweet, but fleeting time—so long as
they are surrounded by good company.
these parties grant people energy, letting them spend time
as though in a dream. Many feasts are accompanied by fancy
foods, beautiful music, and splendid gifts. But even without
such luxuries, people still forget their pains and troubles
as they indulge in that sweet, but fleeting time—so long as
they are surrounded by good company.

Demon: Jack Frost
A doll fashioned after a spirit of frost that
appeared in another world. Despite its cute,
snowman-like design, the original spirit had a
cruel personality—and some even claimed it could
freeze people solid with a smile. One account
states this creature is human emotion actualized
by warped desires.
appeared in another world. Despite its cute,
snowman-like design, the original spirit had a
cruel personality—and some even claimed it could
freeze people solid with a smile. One account
states this creature is human emotion actualized
by warped desires.

Mech: Pod 042
A support unit manufactured in a distant world.
It accompanied an android, offering combat support
and route guidance. It cannot produce complex thought
processes due to an absence of independent-thought AI,
but does occasionally show a strong will reminiscent
of humans. For example, it has been know to take
action in attempts to ensure its own future.
It accompanied an android, offering combat support
and route guidance. It cannot produce complex thought
processes due to an absence of independent-thought AI,
but does occasionally show a strong will reminiscent
of humans. For example, it has been know to take
action in attempts to ensure its own future.

Mech: Pod 153
A support unit manufactured in a distant world.
It accompanied an android, offering combat support
and route guidance. It cannot produce complex thought
processes due to an absence of independent-thought AI.
Though it is theoretically incapable of emotion,
it is said to have increased affection levels for
anyone who pats its head.
It accompanied an android, offering combat support
and route guidance. It cannot produce complex thought
processes due to an absence of independent-thought AI.
Though it is theoretically incapable of emotion,
it is said to have increased affection levels for
anyone who pats its head.

Puppet: Parrah
A ball-joint doll produced in a faraway world. Though she reliably
carries out orders, she's clever enough to find ways to amuse
herself while doing so. She has a keen interest in greed—humanity's
motivating force—and is currently attempting to collect all the
greed in the world. She enjoys watching people who are engaged
in petty catfights, and has been known to snack on popcorn as
she does so. In short, she's rotten to the core.
carries out orders, she's clever enough to find ways to amuse
herself while doing so. She has a keen interest in greed—humanity's
motivating force—and is currently attempting to collect all the
greed in the world. She enjoys watching people who are engaged
in petty catfights, and has been known to snack on popcorn as
she does so. In short, she's rotten to the core.

Puppet: Noya
A ball-joint doll produced in a faraway world. He collected weapons
from all across space-time, threw them into a gacha mechanic called
the "grimoire," and began handing them out to fairy-tale characters.
While he stays busy scheduling events and operating the Colosseum,
he doesn't get paid for any of it. While he's unhappy keeping
himself constantly overwhelmed with work, he lacks the power
to change his lot and can only cry himself to sleep at night.
Poor thing.
from all across space-time, threw them into a gacha mechanic called
the "grimoire," and began handing them out to fairy-tale characters.
While he stays busy scheduling events and operating the Colosseum,
he doesn't get paid for any of it. While he's unhappy keeping
himself constantly overwhelmed with work, he lacks the power
to change his lot and can only cry himself to sleep at night.
Poor thing.

Mech: Service Pod
A dining-assistance unit manufactured in a distant
world. This pod acts as a communication facilitator
at dining events, following its programming to ensure
things begin and end smoothly. Among other tasks,
it casually leads wallflowers who are unable to mingle
at cocktail parties to tables with other people, assigns
new customers to guests who are too focused on their
meals, and offers drinks to groups engrossed in
conversation. Such watchfulness makes it a valuable
asset to all early adopters.
world. This pod acts as a communication facilitator
at dining events, following its programming to ensure
things begin and end smoothly. Among other tasks,
it casually leads wallflowers who are unable to mingle
at cocktail parties to tables with other people, assigns
new customers to guests who are too focused on their
meals, and offers drinks to groups engrossed in
conversation. Such watchfulness makes it a valuable
asset to all early adopters.

Summery Mama
Mama is your companion now, and she's raring to visit the beach!
She originally wanted a bikini, but stormed off in a rare display of
anger after being told they had "ran out of her size."
Still, she wasn't about to let a missing outfit ruin her lifelong
dream of seeing tropical fish in coral reefs, so she slapped
on her favorite swimming goggles and happily set off!
She originally wanted a bikini, but stormed off in a rare display of
anger after being told they had "ran out of her size."
Still, she wasn't about to let a missing outfit ruin her lifelong
dream of seeing tropical fish in coral reefs, so she slapped
on her favorite swimming goggles and happily set off!

Summery Carrier
Carrier is your companion now, and he's dressed like a sailor
for...some reason.
"Summer is just so wonderful, isn't it!? The sea! The sun!
My vacation! Ahhh. You know, I'd love to go somewhere warm,
but management says things are too busy and won't give me any
time off. So many precious vacation days, flushed right down the
drain... Right, so if I had to chose my perfect vacation, I'd rent out
an entire villa with an enormous pool, hire a butler, and..."
Once he got over his grumbling about his lack of vacation time,
Carrier went on and on about his dream villa.
for...some reason.
"Summer is just so wonderful, isn't it!? The sea! The sun!
My vacation! Ahhh. You know, I'd love to go somewhere warm,
but management says things are too busy and won't give me any
time off. So many precious vacation days, flushed right down the
drain... Right, so if I had to chose my perfect vacation, I'd rent out
an entire villa with an enormous pool, hire a butler, and..."
Once he got over his grumbling about his lack of vacation time,
Carrier went on and on about his dream villa.

Mama: Riding Hood
Mama wearing a red riding hood. She carries apples on her back
along with a paring knife for peeling.
She has a keen eye for quality and always treats those she meets
to the best apples around. She's always having them delivered
straight from organic farms—the size of her network leaves all
she interacts with in awe. Whenever she has the time, she uses
her impressive knife skills to cut the apples into rabbit shapes.
"A single apple offers so many vitamins and nutrients,
so be sure to have one a day!"
along with a paring knife for peeling.
She has a keen eye for quality and always treats those she meets
to the best apples around. She's always having them delivered
straight from organic farms—the size of her network leaves all
she interacts with in awe. Whenever she has the time, she uses
her impressive knife skills to cut the apples into rabbit shapes.
"A single apple offers so many vitamins and nutrients,
so be sure to have one a day!"

Term Ω
A humanoid device connected to the machine lifeform network.
This device observes the androids created by humanity.
Their love, anger, sadness—what are these emotions they display?
Why do they fight though they know it to be futile?
Why do they struggle though all their paths are closed?
The device observes, collecting information the machines lack
to facilitate their further evolution.
This device observes the androids created by humanity.
Their love, anger, sadness—what are these emotions they display?
Why do they fight though they know it to be futile?
Why do they struggle though all their paths are closed?
The device observes, collecting information the machines lack
to facilitate their further evolution.

Bat: Dracky
A bat-like monster native to a faraway world.
This nocturnal creature flutters about at night and
can be spotted having peaceful little naps beneath
trees during the day. Drackies specialize in magic attacks,
and are sometimes known to fight alongside
adventurers. Monsters though they may be,
drackies are loved by the masses as mascot-like entities
and their likeness has even served as the inspiration
for certain hats worn by adventurers.
This nocturnal creature flutters about at night and
can be spotted having peaceful little naps beneath
trees during the day. Drackies specialize in magic attacks,
and are sometimes known to fight alongside
adventurers. Monsters though they may be,
drackies are loved by the masses as mascot-like entities
and their likeness has even served as the inspiration
for certain hats worn by adventurers.