Attack up by 40%. Skill cooldown time extended by 20%.
[Notes] WIP
11 costumes found.
- 62030
- 8061
- 3600
◈ 370% damage x3 (deal an extra 100% when target is poisoned). Decrease defense by 20% to an enemy (30 seconds) when own affinity is water.
- see Festering LoyaltyFestering Loyalty?
- see Liquid AcuityLiquid Acuity?
- 90396
- 9657
- 4981
◈ Deal 120% dmg 5 times (dmg increases by 40% when HP is over 80%). and reduce all allies' dmg by 90% one time
- see Festering AttachmentFestering Attachment?
- see Lucid AcuityLucid Acuity?
- 60456
- 8045
- 3850
◈ 120% damage x5 (deal an extra 100% when you are afflicted by a status ailment)
- see Festering DesireFestering Desire?
- see Void AcuityVoid Acuity?
- 56515
- 8169
- 4337
◈ 120% damage x4 and increase attack by 30% for 60 seconds. 50% gauge increase at battle start.
- see Festering SincerityFestering Sincerity?
- see Blaze AcuityBlaze Acuity?
- 64621
- 8394
- 3744
◈ 330% damage x3 (Damage 100%+ when target take more dmg from wind attacks)
- see Festering YearningFestering Yearning?
- see Whirlwind AcuityWhirlwind Acuity?
- 55754
- 8232
- 4324
◈ 150% damage x5 and def down by 30% for 60 seconds. 50% gauge increase at battle start.
- see Festering ChivalryFestering Chivalry?
- see Liquid AcuityLiquid Acuity?
- 64304
- 8330
- 4058
◈ 290% dmg 3 times, dmg increases by 40% when HP is over 80%.Increase dmg of 2x or more chains by 40% for 30 sec
- see Festering MemoryFestering Memory?
- see Liquid AcuityLiquid Acuity?
- 56769
- 8394
- 4517
◈ 330% damage x5 (dmg up by 50% when own affinity is light)
- see Festering PassionFestering Passion?
- see Lucid AcuityLucid Acuity?
- 98813
- 7280
- 5916
◈ 170% dmg x3 and def. down by 30% for 60 sec. Increase wind dmg received by that enemy by 30% for 60 sec. when own affinity is wind.(gauge up by 50% at battle start).
- see Festering FondnessFestering Fondness?
- see Whirlwind AcuityWhirlwind Acuity?
- 63106
- 9169
- 4986
◈ 380% damage x4 (dmg up by 50% when own affinity is dark) 50% gauge increase at battle start.
- see Festering GrudgeFestering Grudge?
- see Void AcuityVoid Acuity?
- 77130
- 10537
- 5960
◈ 400% damage x4 (dmg up by 50% when own affinity is light) and Atk up by 15% for 45 sec.
- see Festering RegretFestering Regret?
- see Lucid AcuityLucid Acuity?