Fire - Secondary (PVE)
Last updated: over 1 year ago
Ideal secondary weapons need a mix of abilities that stack multiplicatively (Bold/Caged Vigor, Pursuit or Fatal) and Boon.
Ambush paired with Boon (or one of the abilities that stack multiplicatively) can also be really useful by giving leniency when picking memoirs to reach the ideal 1:2 ratio for critical rate and critical damage.

Shiny Cecity
Lost Oar
Trusting Trigger
Splitting Axe
Jester's Grin
Beautiful Implement

Great Sword of Justice
Sludge Branch
Rebellious Gladiator
Enchanting Claw
Gladiator's Redemption

Sword of Dust
Retrospective Broadblade
Scrapsteel Prison
Pious Soulgun
Absurd Gun
Intrepid Tusk
Thorn of Brutality
Demon's Duality