Last updated: over 1 year ago
Hello everyone! I'm DVX, and I make YouTube content for NieR Re[in]carnation SEA! This tier list is meant for the game's PVP game mode: the Arena. This will be updated as new costumes are released!
You can click "Read more" for a brief description of the tier list.
YouTube: | Reddit: u/DerivativeX | Discord: DVX#7590
Supports are the units you rely on to have stat buffers. Some will have abilities that increase the stats of equipped weapons for the entire party, while others increase the entire party's Attack or Agility for a period of time. Right now, there aren't much units that do that.
For now, these are the only Support units you can consistently rely on for Arena. Rest assured, this list will grow as future costumes are released in SEA.
Update Log
SEA 1.0 (03-04-23, UTC +8) - release
SEA 1.1 (03-26-23, UTC +8) - added Lacrima Griff