Lv. 15/15

Chronicle Gougeflash
Deal 50% damage to all enemies and reduce their defense by 8% for 10 seconds.
Cooldown: 17s
Lv. 15/15

Chronicle Recovery
Deal 55% damage to one enemy 2 times and recover 10% of your HP.
Cooldown: 19s
Lv. 15/15
Attack up by 8%.
Lv. 15/15
Defense up by 8%.
Lv. 15/15
Barrier: Corrosive Smog Rank 2
Reduce the effect of Burden: Corrosive Smog.
Level 60



Level 80 (Max Limit Break)



Timed or conditional passives are not included in the stats.
Weapon source
Sorry, no potential event source found.
You know that one hermit who lives outside town? Old guy who
stares out the window when it rains? I hear he was a combat medic
way back in the day. Guy has seen some things,
let me tell you what.
stares out the window when it rains? I hear he was a combat medic
way back in the day. Guy has seen some things,
let me tell you what.
This one time, a soldier was brought in covered head to toe in
burns. By all rights the guy should have been dead, and the
army must have thought so as well, because they decided he was
beyond help and didn't treat him.
burns. By all rights the guy should have been dead, and the
army must have thought so as well, because they decided he was
beyond help and didn't treat him.
Next morning, they all had to move out, which meant leaving
the burned man behind. The medic—then just a kid—wanted to give
him some water, but the army didn't want to waste any and
ordered him to march instead.
the burned man behind. The medic—then just a kid—wanted to give
him some water, but the army didn't want to waste any and
ordered him to march instead.
I reckon the old guy regrets that to this very day, even
though it was objectively the right decision. That's why
he stares out that window when it rains: he's praying it
falls on the soldier, wherever he is.
though it was objectively the right decision. That's why
he stares out that window when it rains: he's praying it
falls on the soldier, wherever he is.