Deal 100% damage to one enemy 5 times. (Consume 30% of current HP)
Deal 110% damage to one enemy 4 times. When your character is equipped with their proficient weapon, your dark attack damage is increased by 50% (15 seconds).
Dark damage dealt up by 30%.
Increases damage dealt by up to 40% when your HP is 70% or lower (damage increases the lower your HP is).
Reduce the effect of Burden: Corrosive Smog.
Refining Ability
Reduce the effect of Burden: Curtain of Darkness.
Level 70
Level 90 (Max Limit Break)
Level 100 (MLB + Refined)
Timed or conditional passives are not included in the stats.
Weapon sources
We found 2 events corresponding to the release date of the weapon.
These may be incorrect, please check each of them
⚠️ experimental
Record: Ritual of Reverie
Ended 12 months ago
23 days
8/18/2023 - 9/11/2023
Premium Summons: Festive Weapon
Ended about 1 year ago
6 days
8/18/2023 - 8/25/2023
for records of what it was like in the before. She does so to
answer a single question: What did the
world used to look like?
shape of the world. So many countries. So many people.
So many thoughts. So many lives. The data is endless,
so she returns the book to its shelf.
way forward. Ghosts of buildings. She tries to feel
what is left of the world's breath.
Did people laugh here once? Did they cry?
anything—she cannot even feel it—and this makes
her sad beyond all measure.
Because oh, how she wishes to know.