Lv. 15/15

Rare-Iron Aegis x4
Deal 35% damage to one enemy 4 times and increase your defense by 20% for 10 seconds.
Cooldown: 15s
Lv. 15/15

Rare-Iron Ripper x3
Deal 40% damage to one enemy 3 times and reduce their attack by 8% for 10 seconds.
Cooldown: 19s
Lv. 15/15
HP up by 8%.
Lv. 15/15
Defense up by 16% for 60 seconds.
Level 60



Level 80 (Max Limit Break)



Timed or conditional passives are not included in the stats.
Weapon sources
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⚠️ experimental
The army gave me a standard-issue sword—a tiny, flimsy thing.
I need to find a better weapon so I can kill more enemies
and earn more money. Otherwise,
what's the point of risking my life?
I need to find a better weapon so I can kill more enemies
and earn more money. Otherwise,
what's the point of risking my life?
One day, I see a guy in my squad
mowing down hundreds of foes with
a sword as tall as himself. At that moment,
I know it is the weapon for me.
mowing down hundreds of foes with
a sword as tall as himself. At that moment,
I know it is the weapon for me.
Eventually I end up fighting beside
the man and his huge sword. As he battles,
I plunge my useless sword into his back. And after
watching him die, I take up his greatsword for myself.
the man and his huge sword. As he battles,
I plunge my useless sword into his back. And after
watching him die, I take up his greatsword for myself.
But I can't stand to see such a beautiful blade soaked with blood,
so I sell it off and gained more money than
I could spend in a lifetime.
Then I quit the army to live out my days in peace.
so I sell it off and gained more money than
I could spend in a lifetime.
Then I quit the army to live out my days in peace.