Lv. 15/15

Courtly Blitz x4 - Def.
Deal 75% dmg to a single enemy 4 time(s) (this move is also impacted by your own defense).
Cooldown: 20s
Lv. 15/15

Courtly Aegis x3
Deal 40% damage to one enemy 3 times and increase your defense by 25% for 30 seconds.
Cooldown: 18s
Lv. 15/15
Liquid Boon
Water damage dealt up by 24%.
Lv. 15/15
Defense up by 16% for 60 seconds.
Lv. 15/15
Barrier: Miasma of Indolence Rank 2
Reduce the effect of Burden: Miasma of Indolence.
Level 60



Level 80 (Max Limit Break)



Timed or conditional passives are not included in the stats.
Weapon sources
We found 2 events corresponding to the release date of the weapon.
These may be incorrect, please check each of them
⚠️ experimental
Bang! As a gunshot rings throughout the palace,
a single knight crumples to the floor.
With gun in hand, the king cackles,
"Swords are old news! Thus begins the era of the gun!"
a single knight crumples to the floor.
With gun in hand, the king cackles,
"Swords are old news! Thus begins the era of the gun!"
Our blades are our pride! protested a knight captain.
"We will not forsake them!" Bang!
The captain's blood paints the palace floor as the king says,
"Pride is stupid. Why die for it?"
"We will not forsake them!" Bang!
The captain's blood paints the palace floor as the king says,
"Pride is stupid. Why die for it?"
Yes, my liege! exclaims the vice-captain.
"Let us set aside our swords!" Bang!
The vice-captain topples over, his face in shock.
"Shut up," says the king as silence descends on the palace.
"Let us set aside our swords!" Bang!
The vice-captain topples over, his face in shock.
"Shut up," says the king as silence descends on the palace.
Bang! A gunshot rips through the silence.
The king topples over, his face in shock.
With gun in hand, a young knight steps forward.
"Kings are old news!" he says. "Thus begins the era of the people!"
The king topples over, his face in shock.
With gun in hand, a young knight steps forward.
"Kings are old news!" he says. "Thus begins the era of the people!"