Paid Only: Divine Assassin Multi-Step Summons On Now
Hello, and thank you for playing NieR Re[in]carnation.
* The Exchange can be used until two days after the event duration ends. Please see the Exchange in game for details.
In this summons, the following limited-time characters and weapons have increased appearance rates.
This is a message from the management team.
The Paid Only: Divine Assassin Multi-Step Summons is now available as of Apr. 27 18:00 PST.
The Paid Only: Divine Assassin Multi-Step Summons will feature new character and weapons.
Also Akeha(Divine Assassin) will be guaranteed on Step 3 in the 10th slot.
The Shard(Divine Assassin) Exchange has also begun.
Please check the summons details for more information on each step.
Featured Characters & Weapons
Information on stats, skills, and abilities can be found on the summons screen.Limited-Time Characters
Akeha (Divine Assassin)
* You can get this character by acquiring the Heavenly Trace weapon.
Limited-Time Weapons
Heavenly Trace
New Weapons
Yearning Blade
* The new weapons Si'F-08 and Yearning Blade are not limited-time weapons. They will appear in future summons like other normal weapons.