Fate Board: Ternary is a brand new type of event, so let’s figure this out together! Before getting into it, here's a few general notes:
This event focuses on both fire, wind, and water affinity enemies, so you’ll need to change up your loadouts accordingly for each quest.
This is a high-difficulty event, and the quests within will not be forgiving to new players with limited resources. Be warned!
This event's quests do not require you to grind quests many times over in order to receive the most valuable rewards. Stamina isn't much of a concern.
Many of the rewards involved with this event involve materials geared towards refining weapons, and exalting characters - make sure to use those materials wisely!
This event will have you take on two stages of five challenging quests for a total of ten quests. Each quest has three unique quest missions that will require you to meet specific parameters in order to complete them.
To help complete these quest missions, each quest has a specified Loadout Bonus which can grant fairly substantial buffs for your party, so make sure to take advantage of those!
Don’t forget - make sure to tap on the boss at the quest confirmation screen to get an idea of what weaknesses, resistances, special attacks, and other special conditions may be present while taking on the boss; this can certainly help prepare your loadout accordingly.
Below is a table with details of what to expect for each quest:
Enemy Affinity
Suggested Force
Loadout Bonus:
Water-affinity weapons stats increased by 200%.
Fire-affinity weapons stats increased by 200%.
Wind-affinity weapons stats increased by 200%.
Water-affinity weapons stats increased by 200%.
Fire-affinity weapons stats increased by 200%.
Wind-affinity weapons stats increased by 200%.
Water-affinity weapons stats increased by 200%.
Fire-affinity weapons stats increased by 200%.
Wind-affinity weapons stats increased by 200%.
Water-affinity weapons stats increased by 200%.
Recommended Character Costumes
You'll be setting up many different loadouts - not only to match up properly against the right affinity, but also to satisfy quest missions. Here's some suggestions for your dark and light affinity loadouts:
You’ll know Reborn Sorceress(EX Saryu) has received high praise before; serving as an incredible healer already, providing some resistance to fire and maintaining a commendable damage output makes her a staple for your water loadouts in this event.
Reborn Leader(EX Yurie) provides great damage output, and her Edict: White character skill makes for a great defense reduction that lasts long enough to easily stack with other defense reduction character/weapon skills.
Reborn Warlady(EX Noelle) is specced with high defense and high-damage character skills. It may be favorable to pair her with a potent healer to tank against the enemy’s damage output.
New Year's Girl brings in a helpful combination of raw damage output, but also provides her loadout partners some debuffs to take advantage of with her character skill against fire-affinity enemies.
Yuletide Captain wields an extreme-damage output similar to a couple of Yurie's costumes - keep him stocked with water-affinity weapons (you should be anyway…), and his attacks will plow through most challenges.
It goes without saying that Reborn Truant (EX Lars) is known for his versatility in many areas of the game - his Execution character skill remains to be lethal against the toughest bosses, and that stands true against the many throughout this event.
Reborn Swordmaster (EX Akeha) may not have a "boss-friendly" character skill for this event - set aside its effectiveness against any early three-enemy waves. Still, her high attack and damage resistance is still well worth using.
With Frozen-Heart Automaton - his high attack, high HP, and buff-stacking character skill make him a great option if you're looking for longevity as opposed to Celebratory Ruler's all-out DPS style from a gun-user.
The new entry of Celebratory Monster is the newfound fire-fist staple: high attack, high crit-rate, super-high normal attack chain rate, and an low-maintenance/high-damage character skill allow Levania to wipe the floor with bosses quickly.
Celebratory Ruler has already gained a reputation of dealing a “broken” amount of damage with her Glorious Circuit character skill alone, but her high attack stats along with a massive 100% increase to attack on equipped fire-affinity weapons pretty much makes her a staple for this event. Equip her with a few fire-affinity guns, and she's ready to go.
Coming in very hot - the first commendable fire-based healer: Celebratory Captive. F66x's healing capabilities here rival her own Bloody Captive costume, but the extra perks while being fire-affinity based will fair noticeably better in comparison.
Reborn Contractor (EX Gayle) is a great DPS while paired with her own Blade of Parting, and provides some great value just due to her water-damage resistance.
Reborn Has-Been (EX Griff) finishes off combos with his high powered character skill - obviously best used at the end of a combo chain.
Frozen-Heart Princess provides yet another source of reducing water damage. Considering that along with the combo-count dependent character skill, Fio's form here is practically a fist-weapon version of Reborn Has-Been with better base-attack stats.
Bloody Captive is one of the best healers in the game, but also happens to be boosting her own wind-affinity weapon stats as a plus.
New Year's Ruler is easily one of the most powerful costumes currently in the game - pairing her with Blackhorn Loathing and/or Handgun of Aid will certainly help maximize Yurie's damage output to extreme levels.
There are lots of rewards to obtain!
There are various rewards obtainable by completing each quest; you’re also rewarded a Piece: Black Pearl for each quest mission you complete (3 obtainable per quest).
Similar to Abyss Tower events, there are rewards available based on the total amount of quest missions completed.
Period Achievement Rewards are obtained similarly to weekly Arena and Subjugation rewards - these are rewards for quests completed up to a point that can be obtained by logging in after the event’s availability period.
Lastly, there are Stage Clear rewards - upon completing a full stage, a treasure chest will appear on the stage/event screen - tap it to claim those rewards!
Completion, Period Achievement, & Stage Clear Rewards:
Completion Reward:
Period Achievement Reward:
Stage Clear Reward:
Verse of Truth
(No Reward)
Gems x1000
Adamant x2
Adamant x3
Adamant x5
Verse of Truth x2
Piece: Black Pearl x5Adamant x5
Gems x1000
Adamant x2
Adamant x2
Adamant x5
Verse of Truth x2
Insignia of QualityInsignia of SkillBlack PearlAdamant x10
Quest Mission Rewards:
Stage 1
Stage 2
Missions Cleared
Adamant x10
Adamant x10
Zenith’s Brilliance
Zenith’s Brilliance
Insignia of Skill
Insignia of Skill
Adamant x10
Adamant x10
Insignia of Quality x2
Insignia of Quality x2
Advanced Handbook x5
Piece: Black Pearl x5
Advanced Handbook x5
Piece: Black Pearl x5
Adamant x10
Adamant x10
Event Missions
- My goodness! Mama apologizes once again, but perhaps the lack of Mama Points has some ties to those… oh, what were they called again? Voice… act… mmm…… Ah! Voice actors! Mama doesn't actually know what those are, but yes, maybe The Cage's assets have needed reallocated to some other places recently. This is getting a bit concerning…
Need additional help?
If you have any questions about this event or the game in general, there are lots of resources available on /r/NieRReincarnation/ as well as their respective Discord Server!
Any other feedback (regarding this guide, or anything on nierrein.guide!), feel free to reach out on the nierrein.guide Discord Server.