Campaign: Summer[in]carnation

Campaign: Summer[in]carnation thumbnail

Event ended the 8/7/2023

Event period: 44 days

Summer[in]carnation Missions.webp

Campaign Features & Exchange

Save up the Summer[in]carnation Medals you receive for completing missions, and trade them at the Summer[in]carnation Medal Exchange for 'Summery Mama', 'Summery Carrier' and other items.
You can acquire up to 1,000 Summer[in]carnation Medals.
You will be able to trade for all the items at the Summer[in]carnation Medal Exchange.

Summer[in]carnation Medal Exchange Items

Summery Mama.webp

Summery Mama (Lv. 50)

Cost: 300

Summery Carrier.webp

Summery Carrier (Lv. 50)

Cost: 300

Black Pearl.webp

Black Pearl x1

Cost: 50

Polycrystal of Thought.webp

Polycrystal of Thought x4

Cost: 50

Insignia of Skill x2

Cost: 25

Insignia of Quality x4

Cost: 25


Event Missions

Mission Description

Summer[in]carnation Medal (Background).webp

Medals Awarded

Mission Available Until:
Clear Record: Den of Madness 50 times.



7/09/2023 17:59 PST
Clear Record: Tower of Beginnings 50 times.



8/06/2023 17:59 PST
Clear 1 Recollections of Dusk quest for Lars.



8/06/2023 17:59 PST
Clear 1 Recollections of Dusk quest for Fio.



8/06/2023 17:59 PST
Clear Variation: Blazing Personality Amalgam 50 times.



7/23/2023 17:59 PST
Clear Record: Playful Seas 50 times.



8/06/2023 17:59 PST
Clear 2 Fate Board event quests.



8/06/2023 17:59 PST

Need additional help?

If you have any questions about this event or the game in general, there are lots of resources available on /r/NieRReincarnation/ as well as their respective Discord Server!


Any other feedback (regarding this guide, or anything on!), feel free to reach out on the Discord Server.