17 costumes found for Fio

Limited costume
Added 01/05/2024 (8 months ago)





Deal 350% dmg to one enemy 4 times (dmg up by 120% when own affinity is wind). Increase dmg dealt by critical hits by 20% (30 sec.) for all allies. Increase all allies' atk by 20% (30 sec.) when own affinity is wind.
Attack up by 30%.
All allies with the same affinity will get damage up by 15% on chain attacks of 4 or more, while equipped with a wind-affinity main weapon (180 seconds).

Increases chance normal atk will be 3-chain or more by 6%.

Critical rate up by 25% for 30 seconds.
For the same reasons Festive Fio is in X tier, this Divine Fio is a superb DPS with an insane base attack - meaning valiance, weapon vigor, supports etc - will scale greatly; team passive pursuit like all Divines; Multi purpose CS that stacks / refreshes crit damage buff, much like Fest Fio but for the whole team and also non element locked. In wind it also refreshes temp valiance, very convenient.
Incredibly strong as DPS, but also excellent as a support / Sub DPS hybrid in other elements too.
Combined with the fact her AA and skills animations are extremely fast, she can fit a lot more actions than many other characters, which enables her to reach absurd amount of damage in a tight time frame (like KD in Subjugation), fitting 4 skills, 3x 4/5 AA chains (capping most hits past the first / second) and 2 CS in KD.
PvP Turret
View tierlistPvP Support
View tierlistOffensive Support
Costume's weapon




Deal 35% damage to one enemy 5 times and increase all allies' critical hit rate by 20% (30 seconds).

Deal 60% damage to one enemy 4 times. When your character is equipped with their proficient weapon, reduce that enemy's attack by 30% (45 seconds).
Increase wind damage by 35%.
Skill cooldown time reduced by 10% while equipped with a wind-affinity main weapon.
Reduce the effect of Burden: Miasma of Indolence.
Refining Ability
Reduce the effect of Burden: Curtain of Darkness.
Level 70
No ascension

Level 90
Max ascension

Level 100
Max ascension + Exalted

Temp abilities and rank bonuses are not included in the stats.
Rank bonuses
Slot n°1
Agility 150, Attack 10%
Agility 125, Attack 7%
Agility 100, Attack 5%
Attack 10%, Critical Rate 5%
Attack 7%, Critical Rate 4%
Attack 5%, Critical Rate 3%
Critical Damage 10%, Critical Rate 5%
Critical Damage 7%, Critical Rate 4%
Critical Damage 5%, Critical Rate 3%
Attack 10%, Critical Damage 10%
Attack 7%, Critical Damage 7%
Attack 5%, Critical Damage 5%
Agility 150, Critical Damage 10%
Agility 125, Critical Damage 7%
Agility 100, Critical Damage 5%
Slot n°2
Character skill gauge needed reduced by 8% while equipped with a wind-affinity main weapon.
Character skill gauge needed reduced by 6% while equipped with a wind-affinity main weapon.
Character skill gauge needed reduced by 5% while equipped with a wind-affinity main weapon.
Skill cooldown time reduced by 8% while equipped with a wind-affinity main weapon.
Skill cooldown time reduced by 6% while equipped with a wind-affinity main weapon.
Skill cooldown time reduced by 5% while equipped with a wind-affinity main weapon.
Damage up by 20% when HP is above 70%.
Damage up by 15% when HP is above 70%.
Damage up by 10% when HP is above 70%.
Damage up by 20% when HP is below 60%.
Damage up by 15% when HP is below 60%.
Damage up by 10% when HP is below 60%.
Increase wind damage by 8%.
Increase wind damage by 6%.
Increase wind damage by 5%.
Slot n°3
Reduces the likelihood of being afflicted by poison by 60%.
Reduces the likelihood of being afflicted by poison by 50%.
Reduces the likelihood of being afflicted by poison by 40%.
Reduces the likelihood of being afflicted by blind by 60%.
Reduces the likelihood of being afflicted by blind by 50%.
Reduces the likelihood of being afflicted by blind by 40%.
Damage taken reduced 10% 3 times at the start of a wave.
Damage taken reduced 8% 3 times at the start of a wave.
Damage taken reduced 6% 3 times at the start of a wave.
Chance of a 3/4/5-chain occurring up by 3% each for all allies.
Chance of a 3/4/5-chain occurring up by 2% each for all allies.
Chance of a 3/4/5-chain occurring up by 1% each for all allies.
Water damage taken down by 8%.
Water damage taken down by 6%.
Water damage taken down by 5%.
Skill cooldown time reduced by 30%.
Skill cooldown time reduced by 24%.
Skill cooldown time reduced by 18%.
Costume source
Costume story

Please make Mommy and Daddy happy.
That's all I need. Please, make them happy.
i don't need god
i'm a bad girl so i don't believe in god
it's not like bad things would stop happening if i did, right?